Website building from scratch is always difficult and time consuming for me. . .
I had done my website a couple of years ago using I-Web. As you might know Apple discontinued I-Web a couple of years ago. I was devastated and, I have to say, annoyed. I didn't want to have to do it all over again. . . but I knew that if I had any problem with it i would end up without a website at all. So I had to act, and fast. I kept kicking it forward mostly because I didn't know where to start!
Then decided that I may as well redesign it completely!
I thought about paying somebody to do it for me, but I knew I would have never been satisfied since I'm used to do things myself. . . Besides it would had taken me a good amount of time just to gather the images, text, what I wanted to say and what I envisioned, etc, etc, in order for somebody else do it that I knew I was better off just by sucking it up, sit my butt on the chair and get it done!
Well, it took a little procastination and a lot of research but I finally did it! You are just looking at it!
Here are some suggestions of things that I learned while doing my website that may help you to speed up the process:
Spend time checking as many websites as you can. It will help you to define yours by simply noting what do you like and don't like about them.
Pay attention to fonts, organization, icons, etc, so you don't hesitate when choosing those things when you have to.
Gather all the images you would like to use and make a folder. I named mine "Website Images". It will help you when you need to upload them to the website builder and will serve you as an archive of images.
Be patient and ready to spend time on it. In the end it pays off!
I hope it helps!